Saturday, 30 June 2012

Not Dead. busy busy busy

I've been a bit quiet lately, mainly due to the fact that I've been in London without my mac all week at New Blood. What a week it turned out to be! I now have a house to live in in London with my favorite ginger, Mica. As I'm writing this I'm surrounded by boxes, trying to pack up my life. Leaving Carlisle is going to be tough, it has been my home for 3 years and as much as I complain about it I'm going to miss it. It's weird how things work out but I'm excited for the future. Bring on the next chapter. Will post in more detail later!

Tuesday, 12 June 2012

tut tut VW

I'm usually a huge fan of VW's advertising but recently this one was brought to my attention by a friend:

The adverts fine, it's the soundtrack that's a bit iffy. Here's the original song they've ripped off, really badly. 

After repeatedly trying to get Beach House to give them licensing of the song and failing they obviously just decided to rip it completely. It makes me sad that this is the world I want to work in, one that clearly has no respect for other creatives property.  Bad form VW & DDB, really disappointing. 

Wednesday, 6 June 2012

It's finally here

Exhibition time is finally upon us after all of the prep last week and I must say, I'm so soooo proud of everyone. The work looks amazing and anybody going to have a look around over the next week are in for a treat.

Heres my little space:

I also finally found a place to hang up my first ISTD solution:

The exhibition is at the Brampton Road Campus, Carlisle and is open 10am - 4pm (Closed Sunday). The private viewing is on Saturday and I can't wait to show my parents and best friends what I've been up to for the last 3 years. It's all getting a bit emotional now as the end looms. That studio has been like a home to me for 3 years and all my lovely talented classmates have been like an extended family. It's going to be sad to leave everything behind but also exciting to see what the future holds for myself and for all my best friends.